There’s that one room in your house that completely puts you in the right frame of mind, the right mood. It could be the lighting, the furniture or just a feeling. It is a place to escape, relax and feel completely at ease.
Penny Hanan lives in her dream home in Paddington with her husband and two daughters. After extensive renovations, Penny has finally created her family home, one which will evolve with her family. She runs the unique artisan deer design business, 1803, which processes the by-products of her family’s deer farm in Orange to create beautiful pieces
What is your favourite room in your house?
My favourite room is the kitchen/conservatory. It is on the ground floor of our house and rear facing. It is flooded with natural light and is mostly made of steel and glass. It is a wonderful place to live. As the kitchen is north facing, there’s natural light all year around. It’s large enough for the whole family space. It features a large wooden bench where everyone can congregate around. There’s also a little computer nook and an open, relaxed sofa area.
Why is it your favourite space?
As a family, we wanted to create a generous, light and uncluttered kitchen made with natural materials – stone glass, steel and wood. All the textures are very calming as are the colours of space. We used a neutral palette to compliment the natural materials. As a mother, I wanted to create a space to nurture my family. I also love entertaining and wanted a welcoming kitchen where I could have all my friends over. The kitchen itself is a beautiful Boffi designed seamless kitchen. It really was my one extravagance.
How does your favourite room represent who you are?

I think the space represents me in that it is generous, open and full of light – exactly the way I try to live my life. I also love to entertain. I feel I have created this home for the future for our family. It’s a great way to wake up ever day!
What do you like most about your kitchen?
It is a seamless space! And I just love the textured light. It makes me feel so happy, so lucky, so humbled. I really can’t believe I live in such a nice house everyday.
If you could invite anyone into your room, who would it be?

Jamie Oliver. I’d love to get down and dirty in my kitchen, open a bottle of wine and get cooking. I love his confidence and his generous approach to cooking and feeding people whether it is his family or a school. It’s the generosity of spirit and his enthusiasm for embracing the simple things in life.
What would you change about your kitchen?

What advice would you give on how to create the perfect space?
You need to find an amazing builder, one who will truly listen and use top-notch tradespeople. Always engage professionals, open your mind to options, research and explain exactly what you want to achieve!