
The Man Shed


Everyone needs their own space in their home. Whether it’s a quiet little reading corner, a favourite spot in the lounge room or even the study, time apart from a busy household is vital.

But what happens when a man’s castle is no longer his own domain? The answer is simple: build your own space. While the idea isn’t new – men have always claimed the garage or the ‘den’ as their own – the Man Shed has recently risen in popularity.


Welcome to the Man CaveImage Source


Can both men and women have their own space?

In the last few years, the She Shed has made a ‘colourful’ appearance. Women rejoiced as now they also had their own sanctuary. But has this been detrimental to those not of the fairer sex? Is there room for both?

The answer is yes! The Man Shed, in many cases, seems to be an extension of the garage or even a complete transformation of the place that stores the tools, the baby furniture and the old tyres. Men have reinvented the Man Cave into state of the art, Wi-Fi connected escapes complete with proper heating, cooling, plumbing and flooring.

Forget the throw pillows and scented candles á la She Shed, the Man Cave of 2015 has a comfy recliner, a handy fridge and even a pool table. The modern man wants a place to rebuild his 1970 Plymouth Road Runner, but also a space that’s not cluttered with the rest of the household’s junk.


Limited by your imagination

It’s amazing some of the transformations I have seen to the old garden shed or garage. As mentioned earlier, some men have completely gutted out the existing structures while others have built their Man Sheds from scratch. Ideas include: micro-breweries, home offices, chill-out zones complete with all the latest technology, music recording studios and even photographers studios. Each is stamped with their own unique flair, and all very masculine.


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And, it adds value

It’s not surprising an additional asset to a home will add value to your property, especially if it’s decked-out to a very high quality. Just ensure that before commencing any new building work, you check with your local council and abide by all regulations. You wouldn’t want all your hard work to be for nothing.


Will he disappear forever?

I hear many women worry that their men will retreat into this Man Shed and may never reappear! I have yet to meet a man who lived in his cave forever! When their stomachs start growling, they’ll emerge! On a serious note however, having your own space – whether you’re a man or woman ­– is important for mental health and balances the dynamics of a busy home environment.

The She Shed


Men have always insisted they need their space for Private Men’s Business. The Den, the Man Cave, the Pool Room, the garage ­– with women and children relegated to the rest of the house!

Well, not anymore. Introducing the ‘She Shed’

Sweeping the nation

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No longer the domain of the hairy ones, women can now have THEIR own space (complete with lockable door) to pursue their interests. I’m not talking about a little nook in the lounge room for their porcelain ornaments or the kitchen but a four-walled structure in the back yard. I’m talking about She Sheds.

A She Shed can be anything you want it to be. A music studio, writing den, sewing room, pottery barn, spa retreat, painting studio, ANYTHING your imagination can come up with. The beauty of a She Shed is you can have as many art works or fragrant candles burning and no-one can tell you the house smells like the perfume counter at David Jones. It can be your relaxation retreat without having to leave the house. Yes, the She Shed is great.

On a more serious note, She Sheds are practical. With more women working from home, (the study is already packed with the kids’ computers and homework) a She Shed is the perfect home office – one you don’t have to share. But here’s the bonus: it can be so much more than just a practical office space.

The marriage saver

I have an associate who runs her own business from home. A great move as she is constantly ferrying kids from school and sport and being at home she can keep an eye on the kids after school. Sounds perfect right? Home/life balance achieved. However, her husband also works from home. While they are a great couple, their businesses couldn’t be more different. She loves to listen to music while she works, he has cables and computers littering the floor. On top of that clash, they SHARED a desk. It was creating tension and both businesses were suffering. So, they decided to wear a business cost and save their work/life balance. After researching the costs and measuring out the backyard, they hired a professional to construct the framework and then rolled up their sleeves and set about creating a small yet perfect space, complete with electricals, window and even a little verandah.  A few weeks later, the cabin was up and a marriage harmonious once more.

You’re only limited by your imagination

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Here are some creative ideas from women around the world.

As you can see, you can personalise it to suit your space, budget and needs.

Value added

From a real estate point of view, She Sheds are a sound investment. For example, spending $10,000 on a top-notch space can add a LOT more when your property is on the market. A wider demographic will be attracted and your property could sell for more.

And once business is done for the day….

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I forgot to mention, She Sheds also make a great after-hours relaxing retreat (sitting on the verandah with a cold glass of wine) once the kids are tucked in bed…

Clever Storage Ideas


Whenever I go into Ikea I always have the same two reactions, “WOW, these storage ideas are as so clever” and, after about 30 mins “Get me outta here!” (I think it’s safe to say we all have varying degrees of these two experiences.)

After a recent trip, (yes, I made it out alive after following those bright yellow arrows), it got me thinking about storage. When people buy a property, one of the most important ‘needs’ at the top of their list is storage. Whether internal (wardrobes, cupboards, pantries, attics) or external (garages, sheds). As humans, it is in our nature to collect things as these items represent who we are, places we’ve been and memories of past events. We as a society are also avid consumers and most people’s wants far surpass their needs.

So what do you do when your ‘stuff’ outgrows your current storage facilities? For homeowners, there’s usually a ‘I’ll get to it later room” which doubles-up as storage and a regular council clean up for when it get’s overwhelming. But for renters, it is a little more difficult. Firstly, renters know that they’ll have to move sooner or later so the less packing and transporting the better. And secondly, there’s no benefit in building or investing in extra permanent solutions for someone else’s property.

There are some pretty nifty solutions to creating more storage and they needn’t break the bank nor be boring. Here are just a few ideas.


Hook, line and sinker

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Whether you nail them, use removable double-sided tape or use over-door one, hooks are an easy, inexpensive solution to increase space. They can be used anywhere – kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, garage – come in different sizes and colours, and are transferable. I particularly love the idea of hanging kitchen utensils in small kitchens. It looks great and saves the rummaging in cluttered drawers for that soup ladle.


Not the kind you find on an elephant

Trunks have come full circle and have definitely come back into fashion. The beauty of a trunk is that not only are they usually quite deep and can fit a lot of things, but they can also be used for additional seating. If your trunk needs a spruce up, maybe drape over a throw rug or look into having it refurbished to fit your home’s theme.


Boxed up

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Boxes have saved my sanity many times. Not cardboard moving boxes, but plastic colourful, lightweight, sealable, movable boxes. Go to any discount store, hardware house or department store and you’ll find a plethora of plastic boxes in a huge range of colours and sizes. What’s great about plastic boxes is that when you move house, you don’t have to re-pack these boxes, just throw them in the moving van.  As a plus, so many boxes these days are decorative and can add to the style of your home. You can also buy boxes in different materials such as metal or upholstered fabric.


Out of sight

Why not use the space under your bed for more than just accumulating dust and hair? Flat storage boxes are a neat and clever addition for any bedroom. You can store your shoes, clothing, paperwork – anything that isn’t too bulky. Again these are inexpensive, sealable and transportable.

Just remember, the Golden Rule: If you haven’t worn it, used it or opened it in six months, get rid of it.  You’ll soon find you have more storage space!

Styling for Christmas


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IT’s that time of year again. Everyone has been counting down the weeks till Christmas and you probably haven’t had much time in between office parties and brunches and long, long liquid lunches to think about getting your decorations up in your home. It seems as if the shopping centres had their tinsel and trees up since Easter and some eager-beaver neighbours’ homes look as if a few frenzied elves used a few bottles of cheer to ‘decorate’.

But, before you pull out the old tree from the garage and blow off the layer of dust and try and salvage the old baubles, think about what mood you’d like to create. As with decorating and stying your home during the year, there are certain elements to consider. Keep in mind LESS is usually more and the key is to do everything tastefully.


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• It’s tempting to use the same old decorations you have for years. I suggest taking a walk around the shops and flicking through some magazines to get inspiration. Each year, there are certain trends that emerge; and while these are recycled it’s nice to create a different theme every year. Spend a few dollars buying some nice pieces. This will also help you differentiate the years when looking at old photographs! One tip is to chose a colour scheme – such as gold and red, or purple and silver – and stick to these few colours whether on your tree, dinner settings/centre pieces and outdoor displays.

• The Christmas tree should be the focal point, but be mindful of size. Take into consideration the size of your room, where in the house you’ll be setting it up don’t forget proximity to power points!

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• Tinsel comes in so many colours, widths, lengths and quality. Draping some over a curtain rail is a quick and effective place to hang your Christmas cards. Just remember, the cheap and nasty stuff sheds faster than a Persian cat.

• Nothing says festive more than lights – but please don’t go overboard! It can overtake the whole ambiance.

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• Wreaths made from natural products are a lovely way to bring in a bit of the outdoors. Look around your backyard and get creative. Herbs and vines can easily be twisted together for a fragrant, elegant and cheap decoration.