Village Markets

Village markets have always been a meeting hub for a community, catching up with friends, meeting new faces and picking up a few treats. More and more, village markets are popping up, more regularly and of higher quality. It’s a great way to spend a morning or afternoon, trying new foods, picking up some fruit and veggies, or even choosing a new outfit. There is a large of variety of products for sale, you just never know what you’ll find, and this, of course is part of the appeal.


Food, glorious food

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One of the biggest trends of late are farmers markets. The produce available is usually sourced from local farms. It’s a great way to support local producers and buy fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the grower. The bonus is being able to ask the farmer questions such as where and how they grow their food, and ask tips on how to store your purchases. You might even score some great recipes. But, it’s not just fruit and veggies, many of the growers make other foodstuffs such as cakes, breads and preserves. I love buying seasonal produce and it’s quite exciting smelling, tasting and touching before buying in a relaxed, outdoor atmosphere. No neon lights and sterile supermarket vibes here! The fruit may not look perfect, but what in nature is? I love getting to know the sellers by name and also being greeted in a warm and friendly manner.


Jewellery, clothes and more

There’s always an eclectic mix of items available. Handmade clothes are often unique and often you’ll find beautiful pieces that you’ll not find in any shop. I’ve found many a treasure for friends with young children, delightful pieces made with love.

You’ll also invariably find a jewellery stall where again you probably find an item that is unusual and just right for you. Think handmade necklaces with your favourite semi-precious stone with matching earrings. They are usually inexpensive and nice treat to buy yourself.

But, one thing I really get excited about (no surprise to my regular readers) is the art stalls. So many times, I’ve stumbled across undiscovered artists with their creations. I can’t tell you how thrilling it is to come across something new and fresh. Different mediums from painting, sculptures, photography and more.These markets are an inexpensive platform for hungry artists who may not have the network or funds to promote themselves. Even if it’s only for a few moments, stop and admire their work. It might just make their day!


Remain balanced

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I can’t sing the praises of village market enough, but remember there is a balance. Obviously, markets are only on limited times (usually weekends) and they can’t fulfil all your shopping needs. It’s still important to stay loyal to your local retailers, whether it’s your local green grocer, newsagent, supermarket or real estate agent!

Photo Source: Pinterest
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