Internal Lighting

Nobody likes sitting in the dark – except if you’re in a movie theatre filling your mouth with handfuls of popcorn! But, that scenario aside, light is integral to our lives and life in general.

When we think about room lighting, two types generally come to mind; natural and artificial light. There are many ways to create the perfect lighting in the rooms of your house – and once you have achieved that, all the other internal features can be built on that.


Let the sun shine in

How many times have you read on a sales brochure “light drenched” or “filled with abundant natural light”? Humans love sunlight and there can be nothing more attractive and appealing than natural light. There are many factors that determine how much sunlight lights up your home: which way it is facing, time of day, season and position on the block. While these factors are out of your control, you can enhance the sunlight that you do get. These include window size, window coverings, skylights and using mirrors. Strategically placed mirrors can reflect sunlight into dark rooms and corners, placing mirrors opposite windows can increase the light, and placing mirrors among bright surfaces (think stainless steel and shiny art pieces).


Turn it on

Lamps, chandeliers, down lights, spotlights, candles, dimmers… the options are almost endless! Walk into any lighting store and you’ll be inundated with a range of lighting options. But there are a few tips to keep in mind before picking that ‘funky’ $5000 lamp!

Firstly, before you buy anything, be aware that every room needs a mix of light sources and at different levels. In addition, appropriate task lighting for the specific jobs you are doing (working on a computer, cooking, reading etc.)


Thinking of specific rooms, have a look at the hallway. It’s the first room your guests see so it needs to be inviting and gentle but well lit. If there is natural light, enhance this and do not close off any light sources with blinds or curtains. Good choices for hallways are side lighting or if you’re lighting from above, lights should be hung evenly to illuminate the length of your hallway.

In the lounge room focus in lighting up different areas, maybe in three of the corners to create specific areas for sitting in or reading. Use a combination of ceiling and floor lighting. Add a dimmer to any overhead lighting to create the right ambience for any situation.

Dining areas need to have light focused on the dining table. A chandelier above the table will create the right feel, but don’t have it too bright! In addition candles (real or battery-powered) are always a nice touch.

Women love applying their makeup in the bathroom and it’s also where men do all their grooming! Overhead lighting needs to be bright and sidelights flanking the mirror give the perfect illumination. I wouldn’t recommend lamps in bathrooms due to safety.


Cooking needs bright and plentiful lighting, so downlights, overhead lighting and pendants are a good choice for the kitchen. A great tip is to add under-cabinet lights and even lights along your splashback. A windowsill in the kitchen is a great place to add a few pots of herbs and enhances the sunlight in the room.

And finally, the bedroom! Warm, subtle lighting and of course side lamps are a must. Adding lights in wardrobes are a great touch and help you pick out your favourite shoes.

As with all interior designs, stay true to your style and stick with elegant pieces rather than what’s #trending.

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