Five Winter trends to consider this year

Shorter days, longer nights. Cold feet and snuggling on the couch. Yes, winter is coming and there’s nothing you can do about it. Or is there?

While we don’t get blanketed by snow in Sydney, we definitely do get frosty mornings and chilly nights. So, is your house prepared? I’m not just talking about the practical side of things, but adding some winter style to your home is essential. Just like you pull out your winter coats and long boots for the colder months, your living space should reflect your style and also get some TLC. Below are some tips to give your home some winter loving.


Cover me up

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In the warmer months, it’s lovely to walk around barefoot on timber floorboards or tiles. But as the temperature drops, it’s best to avoid frostbite. A thick, plush rug can not only keep your little piggies warm, but also add a splash of colour to your rooms. Instead of bringing out the old tired rug you keep stashed in the garage, go out and buy a new one in a bold, warm colour. It needn’t be expensive, rather an accessory for your home, even if only for one season.


Colour me up

If your home is styled in a neutral palette, it is easy to add some winter accents to bring warmth and an interesting dynamic to your living areas. You needn’t crack open the paint cans, but you can buy a wall hanging, add some indoor plants and flowers (coloured orchids are my favourites), new cushions or even a new tablecloth. You will soon create a cosy space to hibernate during the cold nights.


Layer me up

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There’s nothing I like more than adding layers during winter. Scarves, hats, gloves, coats. Use this same principle in your home. If you’ve already got a rug, add another in a contrasting colour. You have cushions? Add a few more in  different sizes or shapes. Also consider layering textures – different materials and fabrics to build up an interesting and inviting atmosphere.


Heat me up

Have you got an old fireplace that you’ve never used? Now is the time to get a professional in to give it the once-over and help get it fired up! Or maybe you need to invest in a gas fireplace or heater. Nothing beats staring into a flame, listing to some tunes while sipping on some mulled wine.


Light me up

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As the nights get longer, you’ll need to create more light in your home, there are a plethora of lamps to choose from. Look for stylish and easily portable lamps in bright colours. If you have enough lighting, maybe hang some more mirrors. Candles are always a beautiful addition, but remember – safety first.

Winter need not be dull and dreary. A few simple changes can brighten up your home and create an inviting, cosy living space.

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