to do.

EXPLORE all the trends – from styling to sell, the importance of art, the latest design trends, the iconic feature wall and many other ideas including what’s the latest out there…. This section will help you dress your home, throw new ideas at you and inspire you to experiment with “tried and tested” guidelines that I’m sure will arm you with the best advice to sell your property and enjoy life.

Chelsea flower show inspo


Every year, the Great Spring Show, better known as the Chelsea Flower Show, showcases incredible examples of gardens and plants, attracting throngs of visitors from all over the world.  For five days, the show inspires lovers of all things garden to admire what green thumbs have created and possibly recreate elements in their own homes.

This year’s theme, ‘Health, Happiness and Horticulture’ emphasised the advantages of green spaces and adding a touch of nature to drab outdoor spaces.  This got me thinking; how many times have you seen a garden that isn’t quite complete? Or, an outdoor area that is stark, uninviting and boring?  Just like the interior of a home reflects the style of the owners, so too do the outdoor areas. With spring just around the corner, why not get some inspiration from the Chelsea Flower Show and spruce up your gardens with the latest trends.




Not everyone’s big out back

Every home I see has a different amount of garden space. They vary from expansive backyards, huge frontages, tiny courtyards and even no outdoor green area at all. But, despite these challenges there are some nifty tips to transform even the smallest ‘grey’ front yards into a lush escape.

  • Pull up boring, tired pavers and lay down small garden beds.
  • Plant shrubs with berries and colourful flowers to attract bees and butterflies. Agapanthus varieties are lovely.
  • Think about mixing vegetables and other plants. There’s nothing more enticing than seeing an edible garden from the footpath.
  • Cover unsightly or tired fencing with climbers or a quick growing hedge.
  • A dwarf tree will provide shade and beauty to even the smallest area.
  • Big pots can brighten up even the darkest corner and require very little maintenance.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of scents. A herb garden is always a good idea.



 Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’


A touch of beauty

Experts at the Chelsea Flower Shower picked 8 ‘show stealers’ that were chosen for their enhancing qualities. While the flowers selected are suited to the Northern Hemisphere, many can be grown in Australia and or you can ask advice from your local nursery for an alternative.

  • Valeriana officinalis ‘Valerian’flowering plant, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers
  • Orlaya grandiflora ‘White Lace Flower’A lacy spring annual from the Mediterranean, this flower does well in Sydney
  • Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ – attracts birds and butterflies
  • Ballota pseudodictamnus ‘Greek Horehound’ – great in dry areas, drought tolerant
  • Eremurus × isabellinus ‘Pinokkio’ – Great for sunny borders, dramatic
  • Yucca rostrata ‘Beaked Yucca’– eye-catching and good for landscaping
  • Isatis tinctori ‘Woad or Glastum’ honey-scented yellow flowers
  • Lysimachia atropurpurea ‘Beaujolais’ ­– works well with border plants

 Beaded Yucca

Yucca rostrata – Beaded Yucca

Objet d’art

You all know I’m an art lover and enjoy collecting interesting pieces that excite the sense. Why not incorporate ‘art’ into your gardens? At the Chelsea Flower Show, many garden products were showcased including sculptures, fire pits, seats and water features. Think about extending your indoor art style into the outdoors. This will create an extension of your flair and reflect your individual stamp in a holistic manner. Have fun with it, but remember to choose items that are more elegant than gaudy. Please, no more Balinese Buddhas.

Outdoor spaces – gardens and courtyards – can be your own private sanctuary. Take the time to create an area that increases your health and your happiness.

Double Bay – Live, Love, Sell



As Sydney’s answer to Rodeo Drive or Knightsbridge, Double Bay is the high-fashion capital of the Eastern Suburbs. Perfectly turned-out ladies who lunch flock to its exclusive designer stores and chi chi restaurants.

Live, Love, Sell - Double Bay 1


On the shores of Double Bay you’ll find sailing clubs, marinas and two boutique beaches, including the gorgeous Redleaf Pool. Just 4km from the CBD, Sydney’s top private schools, including Cranbrook, Scot’s, Kambala and Ascham are all in the vicinity. An undeniable air of affluence and an international ambience flavour Double Bay, where the perfectly groomed and the well-heeled can be found enjoying its cosmopolitan attractions.

Live, Love, Sell - Double Bay 2


Grand Federation homes and charming semis still line the intimate tree-lined avenues of this aesthetically delightful suburb, set alongside contemporary masterpieces and luxurious villas, where taste and discretion are the order of the day.

Vivid-inspired lighting for your home


There’s something about bright lights that makes us go “ooh” and “ahh”. Paris is known as the City of Lights; whole streets come alive at Christmas time with twinkling displays and don’t forget the Sydney light show ‘Vivid’ that has evolved into a luminescent annual phenomenon!

So how do we take a sprinkle of these examples and use them as inspiration to illuminate our family home? Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts to ensure you get the balance just right.


Say goodbye to dead lights

While some celebrate Christmas in July, there is absolutely no excuse to have the sad, tired strings of lights you stapled on your eaves in December to be hanging around. Remove them now! While you’re at it, look around the front and the back of your home and discard any broken, unused or worn out light fixtures. It’s always great to start from a blank slate. If you have lights that are still in working order, check the bulbs are working and the electricals are still up to scratch.


Light the way

We all know how important security lighting is, but that doesn’t mean it has to be harsh, sterile and lacking any style. The trick is to use a number of different types of lights for security purposes. By layering strip lights, sensor lights, spotlights and path lights, you can create a welcoming ambience while providing added security to your home, killing two birds with one stone! Win-win.


Under a purple spotlight…

It doesn’t have to be purple, but a spotlight is the perfect way to add pizzazz to your night garden. By focussing a spotlight on a feature of your garden – a tree, sculpture or other beautiful plant – you will add drama and texture to your front or back yards. Upwards facing spotlights are best but ensure the beams are NOT directed to any of your neighbour’s windows!


Strings and things

Now, I know I said to discard the Christmas string lights, but this is a little different. Rope lighting is a fabulous way to outline shapes in your yard and will add a wonderful element to your garden beds and other landscaping features. The trick here is to keep it soft and create a glow rather than a harsh fluorescence.


Solar flair

It might seem a little passé, but solar lights have come a long way in recent years. Many people use solar lights for pathways, but they aren’t really effective due to their low intensity. Think outside the square and use solar light near water features, gates, around doorways and even in garden beds. There are so many shapes and styles now and they are generally quite affordable. Things to look out for include battery life and whether you might need to install a separate solar panel, which will make it easier to use the lights in shady spots.


Project your style

If you have a special event that you’ll be hosting in your garden, why not take a leaf out of the Vivid handbook and hire a projector? Outdoor light projectors are fun, can be purchased or hired easily and will certainly be a talking point. Just watch out for those laser beams!

Coogee – Live, Love, Sell


Retaining a traditional Australian beachside ambience, the suburb of Coogee is one suburb to the south of Bronte and just 7km from the CBD.


Coogee’s vast stretch of beachfront is presided over by the usual beachfront strip of eclectic restaurants and takeaway places, extending up the main waterfront drag of Arden Street and onto Carr Street. Many more discrete and charming cafes are also tucked away at the northern and southern tips of the beach.

Coogee Surf Club2


Protected sea baths are located at either end of the beach, including Wylies Baths and the women and children’s only McIver Baths. A dramatic coastal walk will take you past Clovelly, Bronte and Tamarama beaches all the way to Bondi.

Reserve land is found all along with waterfront, providing the ideal setting for good old fish and chips by the beach. Its two main venues are the Coogee Pavilion, with its iconic domed roof, and the Coogee Bay Hotel, with its huge beer garden and live music venue which has played host to countless local and international bands.

Coogee - Location(89)


A desirable address for families and young beach-lovers, Coogee’s architecture is eclectic. Many grand Victorian mansions, terraces, freestanding Federation homes and Californian bungalows remain, while apartments from all eras are also prevalent.